Non-Fiction November Week 1

posted in: Jenn, non-fiction november, Tanya | 0

#NonfictionNovember is a month-long nonfiction reading initiative! We have gathered some of our non-fiction reads here for you. 


Betty White: 100 Remarkable Moments in an Extraordinary Life
by Ray Richmond

Publishes Dec 7, 2021 by Quarto Publishing Group

I grew up with Betty White on my TV set every Saturday night in Golden Girls.  Oh how I loved that show.  I’ve seen her in many things since but nothing will compare to those Golden Saturdays!

I loved reading this book about Betty’s history.  I had no idea she will be turning 100 in 2022 but I guess that tracks with me looking a whole lot older when I peek in the mirror!

If you adore Betty like I do, or would just like to learn more about how she changed the TV world for all women that came after her, definitely pick this one up.



The Montessori Home: Create a Space for Your Child to Thrive
Ashley Yeh

Publishes February 22, 2022

This book has a quick introduction to Montessori including details about the 3 basic elements to the Montessori foundation: the prepared adult, the environment and the child.

Followed is a break down of each room and suggestions for infants, toddler and preschoolers. I found this approach very interesting since often we limit children’s space to their playroom and bedroom. This book offers insight into how to incorporate Montessori ideals into your entire home, with tips and tricks, suggested activities and furniture or other things you can incorporate.

Each chapter includes the suggestions along with the why’s? So that you can fully understand the reasoning behind implementing these suggestions.

At the end there is an index and resource guide with tons of suggestions on where to purchase the items mentioned as well as recommended reading resources for diving further into the Montessori world.

Definitely very interesting with many great ideas, this is a book you can come back to time and again. I’d definitely suggest adding this one to your TBR list if you have young children and are interested in the Montessori style.

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