No One Will Miss Her, a review by Amy

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No One Will Miss Her
Kate Rosenfield
304 pages
William Morrow and Custom House

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β€œThey all thought I had it coming. They all thought I was better off dead. And the truth, the one I realized in that last, horrible moment before the gun went off, is just this: They were right.”

Compulsively readable. Utterly shocking. This is a thriller that lives up to the its genre title. It’s smartly written, cleverly executed, and left me with that gasp worthy thrill that I crave from this genre.

After you read a lot of thrillers, it’s easy to become desensitized. Not many create that deep sense of shock. But that can’t be said when the main character is narrating from beyond the grave.

People in town didn’t know Lizzie Oulette. Not really. But then again, they didn’t need to. Her role was assigned to her before she was even born. Her dad was an outsider to the town, and he ran the junkyard. That made her both an outsider and a junkyard girl. Everyone loathed her from a distance without ever stopping to ask why. So when her cabin is covered in blood and guts, no one seems to mind. She was never one of them anyway.

Rosenfield created Copper Falls with vivid depictions. The atmosphere of the town added depth to the mystery and personified the hatred felt for Lizzie. But those characters. Unlikable yet completely fascinating. Getting into the psyche of those characters is what kept me turning page after page.

Lizzie’s story is a commentary on how harshly society judges, many times without having a solid foundation for that judgment.

Thank you Kat Rosenfield, Harper Muse Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book.


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