Never Coming Home, a review by Di

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Hannah Mary McKinnon

May 24, 2022
342 pages

Amazon | Goodreads

This is a scary thriller, with the leading man being one of the most despicable characters I’ve ever run across in a book. And, I made that observation before I reached the 15% mark in the book.

Lucas (our despicable character) preyed on Michelle, right from the second he saw her. His sole intention was to come and end up as a very rich man, no matter what it took. So he married her and later hired a hit man for the kill. But, as the publishers’ description stated the hunter becomes the prey.

This quickly becomes an extremely convoluted tale. The plot is driven by Lucas. Although he is despicable (did I already mention that?) and quite evil, he is a very interesting character. He’s certainly not someone I could warm up to but, possibly, through his charm, he might be able to fool me. No detail is too trivial, nothing is overlooked. Or, so he thinks. He is very confident in himself.

A twisted page turner. And it had me stumped. I had one possibility in mind as to what was happening, I had to wait to see if I was right. Strangely enough, there were even some humorous parts.

Books like this make me wonder how the author’s mind works. Does the author stay awake at night trying to decide how suspenseful they can make it? Or does it just come naturally?

The outcome I was holding at bay in my mind, did sort of turn out to be true. BUT, it was much more complex than I could ever imagine. And the conclusion even made me smile. All along the readers know “who dunnit”. But, the reader had no idea who is “doing it”.

I could not have a steady diet of books like this but I do enjoy one upon occasion. This is one of the best thrillers I have ever read, though I had my doubts at the beginning. I could easily see this becoming a movie.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an Advance Readers Copy. Apologies for the late review.

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