My Last Name
Eric M. Schumacher
Eric Schumacher
Publication Date: February 9th, 2021
102 Pages
Amazon | Goodreads
Genres: General Fiction | Literary Fiction | Short Story | Novella
This book was a gut punch. It was so moving and utterly sad but it put a smile on my face in the end. It’s only 102 pages long and a whole lifetime was packed into those pages. Eric M. Schumacher did a wonderful job bringing Lottie and her loved ones to life. I think the book really touched me because of the family members I’ve had who have suffered from dementia and memory issues. My granddad had Alzheimer’s, my grandmother had a cancerous brain tumour, my mother-in-law had Alzheimer’s and my aunt has early onset dementia. I can’t imagine any of them going through it alone with no family members left. This was so beautifully written I would recommend it to everyone. I know it will stay with me for a long time. All. The. Stars.
A special thank you to my friend TL for the recommendation via her review which can be foundΒ here.
Eric Schumacher
Thank you!!!
Oh Eric, this book was just wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to say thanks.