Mammoths at the Gates, a review by Cat

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Mammoths at the Gates
Nghi Vo

Published September 12, 2023
128 Pages

Find it on Goodreads | Amazon

Once again, the latest installment of The Singing Hills Cycle has proven to be a brilliant addition to the series. Mammoths at the Gates, in many respects, stands as the most profoundly moving narrative within the series thus farβ€”which is saying something!

Following an extended period of traversing untamed lands and immersing themselves in tales, Cleric Chih is finally making their way back to the familiar haven of the Singing Hills Abbey, their cherished home. However, the state of affairs is far from what it once was. The untimely demise of Cleric Thien weighs heavily upon their heart, and to make matters even more upsetting, mammoths stand at the gates of the Abbey.

This captivating novella provides us with invaluable insights into the inner workings of the Abbey, the enigmatic neixins, and even glimpses of their neixin culture. In short, it is a work of sheer brilliance. I want more stories from this world (and characters!) and fervently hope the series is far from reaching its conclusion.

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