Published: July 30,2024
Self Published
533 pages
Where to begin, an amazing continuation of the Dark Lair Trilogy! Maelstrom is the second installment of the Dark Lair Trilogy written by DJ O’brien, and the author did not disappoint! The book continues with the multiple POVs of our beloved characters, Anabel’s travel back to Jarro as the head of the Free Slave Army, Megan as a prisoner to the witch Silvene, Ben as he prepares for the next phase in the war, and more! When reading any book, especially fantasy, character development is one of the biggest things I look for. Sometimes when reading fantasy series the characters can become strangers in a sense, as in they were not authentic and the changes (personalties, motive, etc) were just overly done. However, while reading I continued to love how the author kept the personalities of the characters the same, I saw growth in each character as I continued reading, but the changes were not overdone, they stayed authentic through and through.
The book had plenty of action and tension to keep the reader on their toes/on the edge of their seats. I loved how the author described the fights with humans and creatures, the battles were tense and fierce and well written overall. There were times when I had to pause and brace myself for the unexpected (which happened from time to time), but after getting myself together I continued to read because I wanted to know what was next! Overall, I felt that I was continuing this adventure with old friends, and that is one of the best feelings in the world, knowing the characters you started with are still continuing the journey with you. I cannot wait for the third installment of this amazing series, I am sad that it may be ending but excited to share the fate of the beloved characters that instantly pulled at my heart strings with the very first word.
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