Maame, a review by Cat

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Jessica George

Published January 31, 2023
By St. Martin’s Press
320 Pages

Find it on Goodreads | Amazon | BOTM

I’ve been trying to diversify the genres I read, so when I heard all the chatter about Maame (pronounced ma-meh), I knew I had to check it out!

Maddie’s life in London hasn’t been perfect. What time she doesn’t spend working ends up being used up taking care of her father. So when the chance to strike out on her own arises, she doesn’t hesitate. What follows is a slightly delayed coming-of-age story.

I was unprepared for the emotional ride that this book took me on. Let me clarify; it’s an amazing ride, but it still takes an emotional toll. Consider yourselves warned.

The novel’s standout feature is undoubtedly its main character. Her journey, a coming-of-age story, may not be unique – she’s struggling to find her place in the world while dealing with guilt and grief. The latter two aspects hit me hard as someone who also grew up with a sick father.

Maame deftly makes readers root for Maddie, eliciting a range of emotions such as indignation and joy. It’s an emotional rollercoaster that is definitely worth experiencing, so I highly recommend giving it a read!

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