Liar, Dreamer, Thief, a review by Cat

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Liar, Dreamer, Thief
Maria Dong

Published January 10, 2023
By Grand Central Publishing
336 Pages

Find it on Goodreads | Amazon | Aardvark

I’ve recently signed on with a new book box company called Aardvark. It’s a lot like BOTM but with different selections. It also tends to focus on more indie books, which I love. I’ll do a proper write-up later, but for now, just know that Liar, Dreamer, Thief was one of my picks through this sub.

Katrina Kim is what most people would call an unreliable narrator. She’s obsessive about certain things and unobservant about the rest. So when she witnesses a death, it’s hard to be certain what she did (or didn’t) see. Yet Katrina is determined to get to the bottom of this.

One thing that cannot be denied about Liar, Dreamer, Thief is that it’s an incredibly unique novel. While there were times when I loved it, I must admit that I was also confused by it at times.

The mystery in this book is strong, and Katrina’s unreliable narration makes it difficult to trust her perspective or even her words. This can complicate things, but it becomes quite gripping once the story picks up. The book has a slow start but makes up for it with the detailed portrayal of Katrina’s rituals, which can be a hit or miss for readers.

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