Let’s Call a Truce, a review by Kristin

posted in: 4 star read, Kristin, Romance | 0


Letā€™s Call A Truce
By: Amy Buchanan

Publication Date: January 14, 2025
Published By: St. Martinā€™s Griffin
336 pages

Find It On: Amazon | Goodreads

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Debut author brings us a funny, heart warming, gut wrenching story in Letā€™s Call A Truce. Juliana Ryanā€™s husband Jason dies leaving her with her two daughters, Clara and Sophie. Sheā€™s forced to go back into the work force to make ends meet. She hears one of her co-workers, Ben, make condescending remarks about her inexperience and how her kids are going to be in the way of her ability to work. This leads to a two year feud. When they are forced to work together on a project, and as their lives being intertwined inside and outside the office, they call a truce. And just as Juliana is opening her heart up to Ben, someone from Benā€™s past waltzes back into his life, threatening to break her heart yet again.

The description of this book doesnā€™t do it justice. This book will make you laugh and it will make you cry. Some of the things that Ben says will make your heart skip a beat. Youā€™ll get frustrated that things arenā€™t working out the way that you want them to and at the person that shows back up in Benā€™s life. Basically, it gives you all the feelings you can think of!

I really enjoyed how Buchanan wrote Julianaā€™s character. Sheā€™s so strong and witty, yet vulnerable. The banter between her and Ben when they are feuding is written so well. This isnā€™t always the case, but Buchanan really has perfected it! I loved the relationship between Juliana and her girls, as well as the relationships between the girls and the other adults in their lives. They really were surrounded by love, showing that they had such a strong village.

I will say that towards the middle, the back and forth of the should I, shouldnā€™t I with Ben did get to me a bit and I could have used a little less of it, BUT overall, I think the romance in this book was spot on. I felt the chemistry between Juliana and Ben, and thatā€™s all I ever want when I read a romance book. Through all the heartbreak, there is sunshine, and in the end, this book felt like there is hope and a warm hug.

A quick thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

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