Killer Story
By: Matt Witten
Publication Date: January 17, 2023
Published By: Oceanview Publishing
320 pages
Find It On: Goodreads
When an Alt-Right YouTuber is murdered in her Harvard dorm room, Petra Kovach was shocked – she knew this girl; she was once her camp counselor and thought of her like a little sister. Petra, a young reporter on the brink of being fired from her third newspaper job, pitches the idea of finding this girls killer and making it into a podcast. The investigation doesn’t start off well, but as she keeps going to reveal information that has never come forward, Petra manages to burn bridges with sources and break laws. When things stary to go awry, Petra’s passion may cost her everything she has.
If you like a fast pace, on the edge of your seat, keep you guessing type of book, then this one is definitely for you! This is an enjoyable read with a fantastic concept! Like Witten, I absolutely love true crime podcasts, so when given the opportunity to read this book, I jumped at it. I really enjoyed being along for Petra’s process of investigating as a journalist. Most of the books that I read are usually police procedurals, so it was refreshing to read a book in which the character had the same goal but had different ways of going about that goal. The ending was fantastic, but also very realistic. I would love a sequel to this book, so I know what happens next with Petra.
I would recommend this book to anyone that loves thrillers and crime books!
The Book Review Crew
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