His Heart Beats For Her, a review by Kristin

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His Heart Beats For Her
By: J.A. Roles

Publication Date: July 12, 2022
Published By: JA. Roles
56 pages

Find It On: Amazon | Goodreads

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Kate is trying to fly home to Florida for Christmas, but not before trying to get a highly sought after toy. At the toy store, she fights with a guy over the same toy. Then when she tries to get a cab to the airport, he tries to steal it! Now her flight is cancelled and she has no where to go. The stranger offers for her to stay with him….

This is a very cute Christmas novella. It starts off with a great meet cute, and it continuously leaves you smiling. However, because it is so short, everything feels so rushed. There was a great a-ha, sharp gasp moment in this book as well. I didn’t see that coming at all! This would be a great novella to turn into a novel! With an extended version, I could see this being made into a Hallmark Movie! It won’t take you long to read it, and you’ll definitely enjoy it.


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