Her Silent Husband, a review by Di

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Sam Vickery

November 15, 2021
304 pages

Amazon | Goodreads

Beth is all about being a supermom/wife. She runs a tight schedule with her kids and husband. In fact, it is all over-scheduled. When she gets a call from her husband’s (Drew) office that he had been taken to the hospital, she is concerned about the fact that he will not be available to look after their daughter while another goes to a swim meet. She shows no worry or concern for her husband that it could be serious. It’s all about her inconvenience. And then there is Gemma, Beth’s addicted sister in law who resents Beth but insists on being at the hospital with her brother.

That’s how this book starts. I am fully prepared to not like Beth or Gemma. Not a promising beginning, not likeable characters. As the book evolves, so do the characters. There are huge life lessons in this story. The author does a great job with character development. Backstories are inserted to explain why their personalities are the way they are.

There are a lot of themes in this book. Drug addiction, suicide, the foster system, mental health, perceived status in society. These all go hand in hand.

Then the reader is shown how acknowledging and accepting the past, adopting a simpler life, learning to communicate can lead to happiness. It is an emotional story, there may be triggers for some.

Sam Vickery included a message at the end of the book, clarifying the background for writing the book and the issues she was trying to portray. They were all relevant to our times and I’m sure there are readers that will be able to relate.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an Advance Readers Copy of this book.

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