Heartbreak Bay, a review by Sherry

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Heartbreak Bay
Rachel Caine

334 pages

Published March 9, 2021
Thomas & Mercer

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This is the fifth book in the Stillhouse series and is grounded heavily in the previous books.  While I didn’t have any difficulty following the plot, I wasn’t as invested because of my missing connection with the characters.

The book is easy to read.  The author has a good voice and pace.  And I was on the edge of my seat through the end of the book. The story is told mainly from Gwen and Kezia’s point of views with a few chapters from Sam’s to fill in some plot holes.  Gwen was married to a serial killer and this book dredges all that history back up as someone is targeting her for her connection to her previous husband.

I can’t imagine having everyone talking about your past and never living it down, especially when you were an unwilling party in that past.  Even having not read the previous books in the series, I was able to feel the weight on Gwen and her family of having it never end. 

And I’m not sure when the author wrote the book, but the book feels very dark and very final.  With the timeline in publishing a book, it may have been long before her grim diagnosis.  Hugs and prayers to her family.  May she RIP.

While I enjoyed the book, I’d suggest reading the series from the beginning as this book serves to wrap up the previous storylines.

Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for providing my advanced reader copy.



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