Happyish, a review by Sherry

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Jeanette Escudero

250 pages
Lake Union
Published September 20, 2022

Amazon | Goodreads

Happyish as a title with that cover, I was drawn in as I am always searching for a happy place, but this is not a book about being in that happy place but searching for the happyish place.  We meet Alex who is one year out from her divorce and moving on in her life when work takes an unexpected turn, and she is diagnosed with a brain tumor.  We then get to go on a journey with Alex as she tries to cope with her new reality.

I usually shy away from sad books as I’m an anti-mood reader or my book affects my mood.  Meaning when I read a sad book, I usually become very melancholy.  This wreaks havoc on those around me, but for some reason during this one I embraced Alex’s coping, or really non-coping, and saw hope for her situation.  And I’m always a little bit of a sucker for a book that shows a supportive community, and this definitely existed in this book.

It was a quick easy read for me.  Easy as in ease of reading, not really the topic.  With an ultimate message of hope and support, I enjoyed this one.




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