Susi Osborne
Book Guild Publishing
Published August 28, 2022
304 pages
This book made me think of the old adage “What are you saving the good dishes for?” You only live once, so live life to the fullest and that is what Joanna, our main character, is trying to do now that she is turning 49. Stuck in a loveless marriage for the last thirty years she decides to leave her husband, gets a new job, and moves into Bluebell cottage.
I despised David, the husband. He is everything you don’t want in a significant other and I have no idea why Joanna was with him in the first place, I mean his own son didn’t even like him. Her sister Hannah is a selfish, spoilt brat and I didn’t like her much either. Her saving grace is her son, Jack…a mother’s dream…except for his girlfriend Pixie whom Joanna calls Poxie. LOL
Joanna reminded me a lot of myself. I am a woman of a certain age and I too feel invisible at times. I really felt for her and I too have had empty nest syndrome. I liked that Joanna didn’t rush into a romantic relationship right away, that happens far too often in books and I like seeing the woman find her strength and try and make it on her own. Some parts were so funny I was laughing out loud, they were so relatable and so was Joanna. The book has a lot of internal dialogue so I felt I really got into Joanna’s head and got to know her, I am so glad she found her happiness and her wings.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.
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