Gone, a review by Kristin

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By: Ruby Speechley

Publication Date: February 21, 2023
Published By: Boldwood Books
296 pages

Find It On: Amazon | Goodreads

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Rachel lives with her boyfriend and her two sons. She wakes up one morning and her older son is missing. He’s been in a lot of trouble lately, and she told him that he was not allowed to go out, so where was he? Rachel takes it upon herself to talk to some of his friends, and the school, and no one seems to know where he is. She gets onto his laptop and finds a half-written email warning her not to trust David, her new boyfriend. Where is Shay, and what is David hiding? Will Shay ever be found alive?

I was wowed by this book! It started off very strong and jumped right into the storyline. I appreciate books that jump right into the storyline. Give me background information throughout the book as necessary – just like this book did. I loved the different take that this book had, and I don’t want to say what it is as I don’t want to give anything away. There were moments in this book where my heart was pounding with anticipation. Overall, this is a fantastic mystery where I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I highly recommend this book!


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