Going There, a review by Amy

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Going There
Katie Couric
736 pages
Little, Brown and Company

People able to laugh at themselves tend to be quite appealing. Ones who can look at their own mistakes with clarity and candor tend to be wholly endearing.

Katie Couric has been the β€œit” girl in the media world on and off for decades. Portrayed the perky girl next door, she became a friend across the airwaves even as she nailed some of the most important interviews of the era.

In her memoir, Couric is raw, unfiltered, and transparent. Though she takes a few digs at others (both in and out of the industry), she takes even more at herself. As she recounts the ups and downs of her life, she gives an unflinchingly introspective account. We see a flawed, albeit successful, woman who has grown through these mistakes and experiences.

But it is a memoir about Katie after all. So we also get a heaping dose of adorable, a big helping of humor, and all of the great storytelling we’ve come to expect from her.

In addition to insight into Couric’s life (marriage, family, children, grief, career, reinventing herself), she also delivers quite the entertaining look behind the scenes. From fascinating dates (Larry King and Michael Jackson to name a few) to surprising details the camera didn’t catch on some of the most well-known interviews watched by thousands.

And yes… she does β€œgo there” about Matt Lauer. She provides a look at the longtime relationship, her shock as the news unfolded, and the current status of their friendship.

Finishing the book, I felt as though I’d had coffee with an old friend, catching up over all the details that had been lost through the years.

This book is best enjoyed by combining print and audio. Couric narrates the audio, where she occasionally serenades and includes clips from interviews. But the print copy isn’t to be missed either. It has a wealth of photos that enhance the stories she tells.

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