Hannah Kaner
293 pages
January 19, 2023
Harper Voyager
This one had me ensnared from the beginning! An epic adventure for Kissen, Elo and Inara.
Kissen ends up finding a child that’s been abandoned much in the way she was herself, and is now tasked with helping this child, and her small God, Skedi.
Elo is a former knight, baker, and bound to journey to a dangerous city for his friend and brother, Arran. The king. Once they start their pilgrimage, danger is soon to follow.
The way that the three of them came together as their own found family was heartwarming and devastating at the same time. Loyalty, lies, and power drove their choices, but they began to realize that they could be more than their debts. There was so much emotion in this book, I loved it so much.
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