Girl A, a review by Cat

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Girl A
Abigail Dean

Published January 21st, 2021
By Viking
352 Pages

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Girl A is for all the readers out there that love a good and dark psychological drama. Written by Abigail Dean, this novel tells the horrifying story that many of us have heard before – and will almost certainly hear of again.

Lex Gracie is ‘the girl who escaped.’ Also known as ‘Girl A.’ She managed to get free of the abusive household she and her siblings lived in, and finally find an adult willing to help. That is the day they were all set free.

That is merely where this story begins, as fact and fiction merge together, raising questions about the past and the obfuscating ability that comes with trauma. All while Lex desperately tries to turn her childhood home – a home of nightmares – into something good.

Girl A is – and should be, a haunting read. No matter how you look at it. This is a novel full of trauma and the struggles that come with recovery. In many ways, that also brought with it a sense of empowerment, as Lex struggled to grab hold of her life with both hands.

Unfortunately, the novel did let down in several other ways. The constant switching of timelines – often mid-chapter without warning – was confusing and off-putting. It had a negative effect on the pace, which resulted in many parts of the novel feeling slow and stilted. An unexpected turn, given the subject matter of this book.

To be clear, Girl A is probably not a book for everyone. There are a plethora of triggers included inside, everything from childhood abuse to starvation, illness, psychological damage and abuse, and much more.

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