Ghosters 3 Secrets of the Bloody Tower, a review by Sherry

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Ghosters 3 Secrets of the Bloody Tower
Diana Corbitt

Middle grade book
196 pages

Published October 1, 2019
Dragonfeather Books/ Bedazzled Ink Publishing

This is the third book in the Ghosters series. Kerry, her best friend Theresa and her little brother Joey end up in London to visit Kerry’s Grandma and sight-see. Known in the US for winning a Ghosters video contest for their video of a ghost, the trio stumble into ghosts of British royalty while in London. Kerry needs technology to see the ghosts, but Theresa and Joey are able to see and communicate with them. Edward the V and Richard of York ask for help to have their bones properly buried at Westminster Abbey.

It’s a really fun story of a group of close friends working together to solve problems. I’m terribly unfamiliar with the history of Great Britain and learned from the story. I’ve always wanted to visit London, so visiting the sites through the kids’ adventures was great fun. While aimed at a middle grade audience, the author worked in an eerie chapter to make the book worthy of the ghost story status. While I don’t have any children to read the book with, I enjoyed the adventures of Kerry and her friends. I think this would be a great fall parent child read.

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