Garden of the Cursed, a review by Cat

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Garden of the Cursed
Katy Rose Pool

Published June 20, 2023
By Henry Holt and Co.
352 Pages

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I swear, at least once a month, I ask: why didn’t I read this book sooner!? Most recently, the book that made me shout this was Garden of the Cursed. This is a brilliant fantasy romance series, and I’m already counting down the days for the sequel (no, really – is it here yet?).

Phew! If I had to sum up Garden of the Cursed in just one statement, I’d describe it as a tumultuous and emotional journey. Marlow’s narrative is intricately woven, brimming with complexity, and fraught with peril as she fearlessly dives headlong into danger.

The magical system within Garden of the Cursed is truly captivating. The concept of cursebreakers has always held a certain allure, especially considering the intriguing reasons motivating their services, and this series follows suit. I’m particularly eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of hexes and the writing/paper system employed to craft them. Here’s hoping that the forthcoming book will shed more light on these aspects!

It’s worth noting that, true to the duology format, Garden of the Cursed concludes with a bit of a cliffhanger. While it makes sense in the narrative, I found myself somewhat disheartened by itβ€”largely because I stayed up later than intended last night (the story was just so gripping, I couldn’t resist), so encountering that cliffhanger stung a bit; you know? The silver lining, however, is that the sequel already has a set release date, so the wait won’t be too prolonged.

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