Forget This Ever Happened, a review by Tanya

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Forget This Ever Happened
Cassandra Rose Clarke

336 pages
Published Oct 6, 2020 by Holiday House

Claire is forced to spend the summer taking care of her grandma in a small, rural Texas town.  A town full of secrets. Secrets that are forgotten about once you leave the town limits. 

Julie is a monster exterminator.  Once Claire arrives in town, Julie notices changes in the monsters. More activity, more talking monsters, and more of them following Claire.  As Claire tries to adjust to her new reality and Julie tries to get to the bottom of the changes, friendships will deepen and change, mysteries will be uncovered and lives will be in jeopardy.

This was such a fun read!  So different than anything I’ve read in a long while that I couldn’t put it down.  I had to find out what the monsters wanted, why they were trying to get to Claire and how the girls were going to be able to solve the mystery they had stumbled across.

Black Mirror and Twilight Zone fans will enjoy this one!


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