Find You First, a review by Sherry

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Find You First
Linwood Barclay

448 pages
William Morrow
May 4, 2021

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While I usually shy away from books surrounding a serious medical diagnosis, I really enjoyed this book.  Miles finds out he has Huntington’s and all the money he’s made can’t change what’s to come.  He’s the Bill Gates of the app world and he has no one to leave his fortune to.  When he was getting started in the tech world, he donated sperm to get a little much needed cash and since Huntington’s is hereditary he wonders if he passed this gene to any of his offspring. 

While there was much promised suspense and thrills, I liked that the book delved into a much deeper issue.  Is Miles anything to the children born from his sperm?  While there are some unethical acts from the mainly good guys in the book, I was able to set that aside and go along for the ride.  As Miles tries to find and track down these children and try and convince them to be tested to see if they have the gene, there is someone working against him.  

While Miles is the typical rich bachelor, he is a very relatable character and the first offspring he tracks down is a no nonsense, tell how you see it spitfire. You can’t help but root for her.  The plot moves along at a good pace and while I figured out a bit of the plot and the ending is a little bit too clean, there were still surprises.  

I think this will appeal to all those thriller lovers who want a little depth and a lot of suspense. A great summer read.



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