Ever Told, a review by Tanya

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Ever Told
Benjamin Bremasi

178 pages
Published August 29, 2018

I’ll start out by saying thank you to the author Benjamin Bremasi and to BookSirens for providing Ever Told to read for an honest review.

I love thrillers and murder mysteries and the description of this book was great!  Really great job in drawing the reader in to pick up the book.

The reader is presented with the when, where and how of the murder and leaves the who and why as they mystery to solve.  The story unfolds across multiple timelines; before the murder, after the murder and the day of the murder.

As any good murder mystery would, as soon as you think you know what happened, new information is presented to you which provides you with new possibilities to consider.

The ebook that I was sent to review did have some grammatical and spelling errors.  Since this book was released in 2018, I would have hoped those errors would have been fixed by now.  Additionally, there were a few issues with the story that bothered me a bit as I read.  Now, I’m not a police officer, but I’ve seen enough cop shows to know that a rich family would have lawyers all around them if they were being questioned in a murder case.  Not one was mentioned in this book.  The cops were visiting family members multiple times to question them and no lawyers were around, ever.  Hmmmm.  The questioning by the police was also very minimal and seemed high-level and generic.  Again, not accurate to real life.

As this is Bremasi’s first book, I look forward to his future releases as I’m sure the detail building will become stronger.

Overall, the plot was decent and if you like murder mysteries then Ever Told is worth checking out.  It is available now on Kindle Unlimited.



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