Joanna Bolouri
Publication Date: November 1st, 2022
268 pages
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I just love books by Joanna Bolouri. I recently read All I Want for Christmas and this one just proves she is now my go-to for all things Christmas. I really liked these characters and their story. It felt true to life. The hurt they felt was realistic and their journey, both physical and emotional was one I could relate to. It was a stark reminder that not everyone loves Christmas as it can be stressful and even sad for some.
As much as I liked all the characters in this story…I did not like Ed’s mother at all. Yvonne pushed Kate about having children and said things like tick-tock. I have two childless children and I am happy if they are happy. It is not up to our children to give us grandbabies because we want them…WTF? I know this happens in real life as well.
The way the book is written was a plus, with flashback chapters we readers are able to get to the bottom of what exactly is going on with Kate and Ed. I loved reading about their early relationship and getting to know them as their younger selves, I was really cheering them on and hoping they’d work things out. This was a unique take on the will they or won’t they trope, with a touch of festive magic. I have this author’s book The Most Wonderful Time of the Year as well and will be reading it as well this holiday season!
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