Dreaming of Flight, a review by Di

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Catherine Ryan Hyde

Lake Union Publishing
May 3, 2022
304 pages

Amazon | Goodreads

This book is about Stuart Little. Not the mouse but the other Stuart Little. This 11 year old boy goes by Stewie and he sells eggs (very fresh eggs) that his chickens have laid. Stevie is a very pragmatic little boy, he’s an old soul in a little boy’s body.

Stewie has recently lost his grandmother and is feeling that loss deeply. During his egg deliveries, he meets Marilyn. She is an older lady who reminds Stewie of his grandmother. They forge a strange relationship. But, Marilyn is holding back many secrets. And Stewie has a couple of his own. The book touches on subjects such as grief, friendship, and trust.

The story evolves and the relationship between Stewie and Marilyn develops. Each fills a need in the other. They learn life lessons from each other. In fact, the reader can pick up some good life philosophies by reading the book. They learn caring and compassion. Stewie is a little boy whom I would love to meet and hug. Marilyn is a crusty old lady on the surface but Stewie manages to chip away at the outer crust. I love the compassion Stewie shows towards Marilyn, I love how he relates to her.

There are other characters in the book but, to me, they are incidental. Stewie and Marilyn are the core of the story.

I’m afraid that some may read this book and find it on the saccharine side. But, I love a book that makes me feel good after I read it. This one certainly does. With the horrible stuff going on in the world, this book was just what I needed!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an Advance Readers Copy.

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