Dragon of Demark, a review by Corina

posted in: 4 star read, Corina, Historical | 0

Dragon of Denmark

Jennifer Ivy Walker

322 pages

Pub: October 5, 2024


Goodreads |Β Amazon

This was my first Viking read. Other than struggling through the names in my head, I raise my figurative chalice to the author for her knowledge of French literature and the language. I enjoyed the mixture of French/Celtic/Norwegian. The main characters I loved their love story-not wanting marriage at all to be exactly what each other needed. They were on fire for each other! It was interesting to see the usage of elves and mages. It had a king Arthur feel mixed with the historical fiction part.
The author did a good job with Scandinavian names and terminology of both Nordic and Celtic. I liked how the Viking respected his new bride’s beliefs and uplifted her. The battles were a bit back and forth which felt like it went on forever. It was needed though because of the French storm that was coming their way. There was so much of Nordic traditions I did not know that was interesting to delve into. The friendships that the queen made were endearing however, I do not recall how one of them became a healer and then it was just like that for the rest of the book.

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