Don’t Hang Up, a review by Joanna

posted in: Audiobook, Joanna | 0

Don’t Hang Up

Benjamin Stevenson

3hrs 8mins

Released July 6, 2023



Don’t Hang Up is a gripping audiobook novella about a bitter overnight radio DJ who is taunted by a mysterious caller. It came free with our Audible Australia subscription. I hadn’t come across this author before and was impressed by the plot and the twist.

Adam Turner torpedoed his glittering radio career when a publicity stunt went wrong, and now feels lucky just to hold onto the dreaded midnight shift at his local station. He’s used to prank calls, so when a stranger tells him he has kidnapped a woman and will kill her if Adam doesn’t do exactly what he says, he’s initially incredulous – but then he hears screams.
This is just over three hours long, the perfect length for a self-contained story like with which has very few characters. Adam is an unlikeable narcissist who tries to do the right thing but still wants to hang on to his job, so his dilemma as the villain keeps asking him increasingly personal questions made for intriguing listening. I did not guess what was going on or predict what would happen at all.
The only thing I found confusing was whether this was meant to be set in the US or in Australia – there were various things mentioned that sounded American, but the accents were all Australian – the narrator did a good job but it sounded wrong for the setting. I found this a bit distracting but otherwise thought it was very good. 4.5 stars rounded up.

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