Death of a Bookseller, a review by Cat

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Death of a Bookseller
Alice Slater

Published April 25, 2023
By Scarlet
368 Pages

Find it on Goodreads | Amazon | Aardvark

Death of a Bookseller was one of my more recent Aardvark selections. There were a few reasons I wanted it, but it all boils down to three elements. First, there’s the whole bookseller concept. Love it. Second, I love mysteries and thrillers. And finally, I love multiple perspectives.

However, I grappled with conflicting emotions while reading Death of a Bookseller. Undeniably, the story was skillfully crafted, delving into compelling and dark themes while exploring ethical dilemmas. Yet, my struggle arose from my lack of affinity for either of the main characters. This made it considerably more challenging to fully immerse myself in their side of the tale and appreciate their journey.

Despite my reservations, I enjoyed the story’s many twists and turns. Regrettably, these gripping moments were frequently punctuated by scenes that made me want to cringe. As a result, Death of a Bookseller became a book I was relieved to reach the end of, albeit for various reasons. I must clarify, though, that I greatly admire the quality of the writing itself.

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