Deadly Cry
Angela Marsons
Crime procedural
373 pages
Published November 13, 2020
By Bookouture
The books in this series never disappoint and while there is a running story from book to book, you are never lost if you’ve forgotten a detail or haven’t read the previous book(s).
In this installment Kim and her team are tasked with solving the brutal murder of a mother. When a second murder happens just days later and her son is missing, it is all hands on deck. All this happening while one team member works on tracking down new clues in a cold case, another adjusts to new responsibilities from his mother’s death, and a task force preparing security for a model in the headlines for sleeping with a footballer. While that might seem like a lot of story for just one book, Marsons weaves the story together well. And the small details of the team’s personal life are a nice touch. Kim’s dog and Penn’s brother. No one does their job in a bubble and we always have outside factors that don’t go away.
Detective Kim Stone and her team are a well oiled machine that complement each other as they work together. They remind me of a good TV ensemble where the whole exceeds the parts. And the parts aren’t shabby.
I can’t believe these books aren’t more popular in the US because they are the perfect mesh of character development and crime story. I’ve just finished this one and can’t wait for the next one. If you’ve never read one of Marsons’ Kim Stone books, I highly recommend you pick this one up and start reading.
Sounds like you enjoyed this one! Thanks for the review.