Darling Rose Gold, a review by Tanya

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๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿ“–
Darling Rose Gold
By Stephanie Wrobel

10 hours Audiobook
Published Mar 2020 by Penguin Audio

This story made me crazy! And not in a good way. Abuse of children or animals (of any kind) is hard for me to read about. But, realizing that this happens every day, we canโ€™t bury our heads in the sand about these subject matters. But I just felt icky during this whole entire audiobook and was so very glad when I was done with it!

The story itself, besides the challenging subject matter, is somewhat simplistic in the way it is laid out and how the plot lines unfold. I think the author did a good job with providing a decent story but for the most part, the story for me was a pretty bland tale (again, taking out the abuse parts).

There were times where I was rooting for Rose Gold to get her life together and move on from the pain and suffering her mother put her through. There were times where I felt sadness for the mother who never received help for her childhood trauma (and then felt guilty that I felt sorry for her). That old saying โ€œHurt people hurt peopleโ€ is true. I suppose there are times you can find sympathy for the people who are hurting othersโ€ฆ.to a point (and only sometimes).

Towards the end of the book, seeing Rose Goldโ€™s future, I wanted to be happy and I think the author wanted the reader to be happy, but all I could think was โ€“ Well, this sucks!

Iโ€™m rating this a 3 as it was a decent story. But the ick factor of it makes me want to put it to a 2.5. Iโ€™m glad Iโ€™m done with this one!


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