Crown of Bones, a review by Cat

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Crown of Bones
A.K. Wilder

Published January 5th, 2021
By Entangled Teen
490 Pages

Find it on Goodreads.

A.K. Wilder’s debut novel, Crown of Bones is a brilliant epic fantasy, and I can already tell you that this novel is going to turn heads. If you can only pick one new epic fantasy for 2021, make it be this one.

There is magic in this world, and it comes in the form of phantoms. There are those that can raise them (Savants), and those that can’t (non-savants). Ash has always been in the latter category, despite all of her hopes and dreams.

Despite this, Ash is about to get wrapped up in a battle of the century. Everything she’s known and loved is in peril, and it may just be that this one girl is going to be the driving force for all the change. If she, and her friends, can survive what is to come.

I know it’s too early in the year to say it, but I honestly think that Crown of Bones may just be my favorite debut novel of 2021. It was intense and thrilling, and absolutely lived up to the expectations that come with epic fantasy tales.

Ash’s story is fascinating and powerful. The world she lives in is brilliantly developed over the course of this novel, as are all of the characters, even those that are secondary to the plot. It made for such a rich read, and I personally cannot wait to see what happens next.

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