Butcher and Blackbird, a review by Kristie

posted in: 5 star read, Kristie | 0


Butcher and Blackbird
Brynne Weaver

368 pages

Published 2023

Amazon | Goodreads | Bookshop.org

This book was nothing short of fantastic! I was blown away and could not put it down. Aside from the fact that our main characters are serial killers who hunt other serial killers, they are completely infatuated with each other. Make sure you do check the trigger warnings. They’re important, but there is also just a deep rooted pining romance on both sides that is wonderful to watch unfold. The dialoge was absolutely hilarious and I caught myself laughing out loud so many times! Banter and wit like I haven’t seen for a very long time, and taking touch her and d*e to a whole new level. I am thrilled that this will be a trilogy!


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