Who doesn’t love the chance to take a peek into a fellow booklover’s shelves? I know I can never pass up the chance! Given how popular bookstagram accounts are, I just know that I’m not the only one feeling that way.
Today we’re going to be taking the time to explore my (Cat) bookshelves. I’ll openly admit that while I adore my bookshelves, I still feel that there is something missing. Thus, they will always be a work in progress for me. At the moment I’m content with the arrangement, but I know that I’ll likely be arranging them again before the month is out!
So, without further ado, I introduce you to my library!
As you can see, the bookshelves themselves are a bit of an eclectic erm, collection. I have several that are all different sizes…but at least they’re all the same color! I’ve had to add to them over the years, hence the lack of cohesion. My dream is to someday either replace them all with the same style (looking at you, Billy Bookcases!), or have something custom-made for the area (yeah, that’s not going to be happening anytime soon, but a girl can dream!).
From left to right we have: My “display” bookshelf – this is where my favorites go, as well as books that are part of an active collection. The middle/narrow bookshelf has paperbacks on top (from my favorite authors, naturally), with OwlCrate and other signed lovelies in the middle. The bottom shelf contains some beloved hardcovers as well. To the right of that is what could either be called my rainbow or BOTM shelf, depending on your mood. And to the very right, hard to see in this photo, are my comic bookshelves.
Also, if you look above you can see some of my nerdy hoard, which includes several stuffed animals, some funko pops (the ones that refuse to stand upright, and thus must remain in their boxes), and a few boxed sets.
My Favorites:
If you asked me which shelves were my favorite, I’d be hard-pressed to tell you. However, I do love my Jane Austen collection very much. Se above. Thank goodness to stores like Barnes & Noble for creating their own collectible editions!
Some of my favorite authors are featured on these two shelves, which is why they are also part of my “display.” Here you’ll see lots of V.E. Schwab, Susan Dennard, Roshani Chokshi, and Tamsyn Muir! The Susan Dennard collection is probably going to need a shelf of its own at some point, especially since this doesn’t include her other series (Something Strange and Deadly) – which is on another shelf.
Here’s a slightly better look at my rainbow/BOTM shelf. This is also a work in progress, as you might imagine. Every month I end up getting 1-3 more books from BOTM, so it’s a constant shuffle as I have to find the right spot for them all. Aesthetically, I think this is my favorite bookshelf. I don’t know if I have the heart to go and arrange everything else by color, I couldn’t break up the series!
That’s It!
And that’s the end of this tour! Okay, so that doesn’t actually show off ALL of my books, there are so many hidden throughout my house. However, it does mark the end of this tour, as I don’t feel the need to show off the messier parts of my house. I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek into the bookish side of my life, and hope that you feel comfortable enough to share your bookshelves with us! Remember, every bookshelf is wonderful and amazing – because it is full of books!
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