Books for Littles, picks by Sara

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This month I have a set of books sent to me from Maverick Publishing, they are one of the best when it comes to great books for littles! Let’s dive in!
First up:

Emma on Mars by Billy Dunne & Vanessa Port
Age range: 4-9
32 pages

“Emma is angry that her parents have made such a mess of the planet! She goes off in search of a new home, and Mars looks perfect! A story that subtly explores saving the planet and also teaches children about the solar system.”

I loved reading this with my girls, they were instantly interested because of the rocket ship and the possibility of space travel. With the subtle jokes for me and the scientific involvement I think this was a great addition to my kids library.



I’m Not Cute, I’m Dangerous by Bruno De Luca & Benedetto Capriotti
Age range: 4-9
32 pages

“Fifi was born furry and incredibly cutenot the best characteristics for a crocodile. Teased by her sisters, Fifi goes in search of a solution!”

This one hit close to home, being the youngest of my siblings AND the only girl made for a somewhat difficult childhood, why wasn’t I more like my brothers? Turns out I was just me. This book went beyond never judging a book by its cover and I hope it struck a chord for my girls.


Not My Hats by Tracy Gunaratnam & Alea Marley
Age range: 4-9
32 pages
”Hettie loves hats. She has tall hats, small hats, any size at all hats, round hats, pointy hats, fancy hoity-toity hats. But she will NEVER EVER share them! Will Puffin ever find something to warm his noggin?”

I found this to be better suited to my younger daughter than the older, lots of sight words and amazing descriptions, with rhyming and a wonderful lesson in sharing. This one will definitely be getting added to the little library.

And Finally:

Pirates VS. Monsters by David Crosby and Lee Cosgrove
Age range: 4-9
32 pages

“Pirates Hector, Sue, and George are crafty, bold, and all very proud about besting some of the most grizzly, gruesome monsters. But are they telling the truth? A few new visitors might just set the record straight. . . .”

This was probably my favorite of the bunch, lots of laughs and plenty of surprise, the rhyming was spot on and my little pirates have asked for it  multiple nights now.

These all are great picks for your kids or even in classrooms, they lessons they teach aren’t overbearing and the illustrations are definitely a great addition to the stories themselves. That’s all folks for this months books for littles.

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