For a Good Time, Surviving Sex Work and Addiction to Become the Mother I was Meant to Be
Patty Tierney
7 hours and 2 minutes
published November 4, 2022
Amazon | Goodreads
About the book:
It’s 1953 in Southern California, Patty is five years old, and her mother hasn’t been home in two days. A police officer eventually arrives and takes Patty and her brothers to juvenile hall—their mother has been drinking again.
Twenty-eight years later, Patty herself is an alcoholic mother to three children. Divorced and homeless, she soon realizes that she can’t support her children with her job cleaning houses, so she accepts the offer of a man who works at the gas station: she’ll have sex with him for money.
For the next seventeen years, Patty lives a double life as a sex worker. Though she supports her family with the money she makes, she struggles to be the parent she wants to be, until she realizes she has become just like her own mother: an alcoholic who doesn’t give her children what they need.
When Patty gets sober, her life begins to change. She finds healing through therapy, spirituality, community, and, most importantly, speaking the truth to her children. Powerful and insightful, Patty’s story is proof that we all are capable of healing ourselves—and that forgiveness can transform our lives completely.
My Review:
Narrated by the author, this tells the eye-opening story of one woman’s fall into prostitution and addiction and her struggle to break free from it. It shows how addiction is cyclical in family’s lives. She is so open and candid as she accounts her life. The good, the bad and the ugly. It was an enlightening story. Her feelings of never being good enough as a person, a mother, a significant other… led into these situations and how she finally freed herself.
I was amazed that she so openly told her story without apology. It shows how strong she really was in the end. I was riveted listening to her life’s story. And a good moral to the story for everyone that it is never too late to change your life.
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