Blog Tour Review & Author Interview! I Can Handle It

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Book Details:

Book Title:  I Can Handle It! (Mindful Mantras) by Laurie Wright
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7),  32 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Laurie Wright
Release date:   August 2016
Content Rating:  G. This children’s book is for everyone.

Book Description:

Your child will incorporate the idea of ‘I Can Handle It’ almost immediately after reading this book, even in our current uncertain times. After reading this book, they will have great ideas for how to ‘handle’ tough situations! When they are tired of having to stay home, they will think ‘I can handle it’! When they are missing their friends, they will think ‘I can handle it’! When they are feeling worried about the future, they will think ‘I can handle it’! Even if they aren’t saying the words out loud, this mantra will become a part of their self-talk. Over 300 5-star reviews say so! Positive self-talk is vital for improving and maintaining strong mental health which is exactly what the world needs right now. Help your child feel emotionally strong along with Sebastien, and provide a tool to help them get through these challenging times. And because parents have such a difficult and important job, this book includes updated free resources.

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My Review

“I Can Handle it” delivers a brilliant take on how to deal with everyday anxiety, and learning to be confident in ones own ability to work through any problems that may present themselves. I remember being six years old and EVERYTHING was the end of the world. Back then, I had a terrible time trying to handle life’s curveballs (I mean for a six-year-old) and I do believe that it followed me into adulthood. As a mother now, I am ecstatic that there is a series out for my kids to read, and hopefully help them through everyday instabilities. The cute hedgehog sidekick isn’t a bad touch either and helps the reader really connect with Sebastian. I will be looking into the rest of the Mindful Mantra series by Laurie Wright to read with my girls. I think it will definitely educate them on healthy coping skills. As my husband always says: “We don’t get over things, we get through them”

Meet the Author:

Children’s author and book marketing coach, Laurie Wright is a silly but smart, busy mom of three who laughs at her own jokes just a bit too much. The minivan is her sanctuary, and the only place she can sing out loud without being shushed. She’s known for her short term memory and extreme love of chips and dip. Usually on her best behavior, watch out when her filter wears off! Never without her laptop and a notebook. Trust her with your kids and your books, but not your coffee!

Connect with Laurie:  Website |  Twitter  |  Facebook | Instagram

Author Interview 

What made you write a book about a kid who thinks of silly ways to handle problems?

I taught kindergarten for ten years, and I consider 4 & 5 year olds my people! I wrote the book in ‘kid language’ so they’d really ‘get’ it. And kids don’t jump to the best way to solve a problem off the bat. (really, adults don’t always either!) Kids love thinking about outrageous things they could do… which naturally leads to the potential outcomes too. It’s a wonderful way for them to decide how they can handle their problems.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

I have three kids and nieces and nephews, in addition to all my students over the years. There is a load of inspiration all around me. One of my favorite stories from a nephew was about pressing the elevator buttons. I heard about how he’d had a meltdown after not getting to press the button and knew it had to go into a book!

There are many books out there about helping kids deal with worries and anxiety. What makes yours different?

It’s different because it actually works, and doesn’t come off as preachy. Kids enjoy the amusing illustrations and the outrageous possibilities of how they ‘could’ handle their problems. It all rings true for them, because they’ve had the same thoughts so often themselves. Frequently after reading it just once kids start to say the words, ‘I can handle it’, meaning they are realizing they CAN handle it!

In your book there is a hedgehog sidekick! What was the inspiration for that?

Well I knew I wanted a sidekick of some kind – there’s one in every book. I loved the idea of a prickly friend, because in real life we all have one of those, don’t we?

Do you have another profession besides writing?

I do! After writing 9 books in the series, I really fell in love with the marketing aspect of being an indie author. So now I help other authors market their books too.

How long have you been writing?

My first book came out in 2016, but I actually wrote it about 10 years before that. Prior to that I didn’t write anything except lesson plans.

Where do you write?

My office is my mudroom, but I also love to carry my laptop around the house and write on the couches or rocking chair.

Do you write every day?

I do, but not books. I also work as a freelance email marketer so I write emails

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?

When I first get an idea for a book, I have to write it down in one of my many notebooks! I write and rewrite the old fashioned way, it just doesn’t work for me on a computer.

A big thanks to Laurie for answering all of our questions on this insight little book!

Tour Schedule:
Jan 25 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 25 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 26 Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting – book review / giveaway
Jan 26 – pickagoodbook – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 27 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 27 – Adventures of a Travelers Wife – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 28 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 28 – The Book Review Crew – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 29 – Reading is My Passion – book review / giveaway
Jan 29 – Library of Clean Reads – book review /giveaway
Feb 1  – She Just Loves Books – book review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 1 – Splashes of Joy – book review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 2 – Bound 4 Escape – book review / giveaway
Feb 2 – The Momma Spot – book review / author interview
Feb 3 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Feb 3 – Nighttime Reading Center – book review / giveaway
Feb 4 – Lisa’s Reading – book review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 4 – 100 Pages A Day – book review / giveaway
Feb 5 – I’d Rather Be At The Beach – book review / giveaway

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