A Prophecy of Wings
Jane McGarry
276 Pages
Published May 11, 2021 by JM Books
A betrayal, a prophecy, a kingdom in the balance. Sixteen years ago the evil Dahlia overthrew the kingdom of Roshall Grove, the heart of the Fairy World.
A prophecy foreseen by Edwina, a powerful enchantress, remains the only hope to topple her iron-fisted rule. Now, Lina, a simple peasant girl, learns her future is linked to this prophecy. Edwina brings Lina to the Fairy World to fulfill her destiny—conquering Queen Dahlia. Separated from the enchantress by agents of the dark queen, Lina begins a perilous journey to join the Resistors, who await her return to mount their attack. Thrust into this strange world, Lina must navigate relations with a host of different fairies and animals, never knowing who seeks to help or to thwart her.
Finally reunited with the Resistors, Lina must find the strength to lead her people and fulfill the prophecy. Meanwhile, Dahlia prepares for the battle, which will ultimately decide the survival of her reign, while reflecting on the path that brought her and her foe to this moment of reckoning.
A fairy tale with an ending twist, A Prophecy of Wings is loosely based on Thumbelina by Hans Christian Andersen and examines the ideas of predestined fates and the subsequent, sometimes unforeseen, consequences.
Author Guest Post
Writing as a Mom – Jane McGarry
If I close my eyes, I can picture it: a quiet place to write complete with comfy chair, walls covered with inspiration boards and a steaming cup of tea, all while calm music softly fills the background. Can you imagine it? If you are a mom like me, imagining is probably as close as you’re going to get.
Writing with kids is pretty much the same as anything else with kids—fraught with interruptions, schedule juggling and lots of noise. As I attempt to write this post, I have two children and a well-meaning husband, all home for a five-day weekend. Oh, did I mention the puppy? The number of times I have heard, “Are you working?” while I sit at my computer, fingers mid-stroke on the keyboard, is already beyond count.
But we moms are masters at multitasking and for me, forgetting any expectations of extended periods of writing time was the first step in actually accomplishing any writing. Now, I have two phrases that help me navigate the world of writing with kids: “Hold that thought” and “Here’s 20 minutes”.
Let’s be honest, “Hold that thought” applies to you, because your kids will not hold their question, request, story or whatever issue long enough for you to finish what you’re writing. So as soon as the interruption comes, but before my brain totally disengages from the process, I jot down a few keywords to remind myself where I was going with everything. This way, when I get back to it, which could be hours or even a day later, there is at least a thread of where my mind was headed and I don’t have to pick up cold turkey.
“Here’s 20 minutes” has been what saved my writing. Normally you hear how it’s essential to block out hours a day exclusively for writing. In an ideal world, that would be great but with kids—not going to happen on a regular basis. Twenty minutes does not sound like a lot, but believe me, it adds up over time. I wrote the first drafts of my last two books in my car while I waited in the school pickup line. Though the time was short, it was one of the few places I could write without distraction. Did I have to stop mid-chapter most days? Yes, but with the “hold that thought” technique in place, I became adept at picking up where I left off the next day. Of course, there are days when I need to insist on more writing time from my family. However, most days it’s practical to find at least fifteen minutes to squeeze in some writing, editing or marketing.
In the end, while I may not have the Zen-like writing cave of my dreams, I have something better. My kids, even though they hinder the creative process at times, are also my biggest cheerleaders. They are super proud to tell people their mom is an author. My older one, a teenager now, gives me great insight on marketing and social media posting. Writing time has become more manageable as they grow and one day, I am sure, I will miss the constant disturbances they cause while I work (eleven times while writing this post alone—but who’s counting?). For now, I’m content making the most of both my writing time and my mommy time.
Thanks for reading. I’d love to connect and hear your stories of juggling work with kids.
Author Bio:
Reading was always a big part of Jane’s life. Creating her own stories developed out of this love. To date she has published the Not Every Girl trilogy, a YA Fantasy Adventure. Her latest novel, A Prophecy of Wings, is a retelling of the classic fairy tale, Thumbelina. She lives in New Jersey with my husband, two sons and two extremely spoiled cats. When she is not running around with her family or writing, she can be found curled up with a good book and said cats.
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