Better Luck Next Time
Kate Hilton
Narrator: Rachel Fulginiti
8 hours
Published November 24, 2020 by HarpersCollins
368 Pages
Published November 24, 2020 by HarperAvenue
I have been slightly obsessed with family stories lately, the kind that tell sweet stories and have amazing characters. With promises of a generational family comedy for fans of Eligible, This Is Where I Leave You, Heartburn and television’s This Is, I thought Better Luck Next Time would be a home run for me. I did enjoy most of the characters and the feelings of girl power however the layout was a bit messy.
We are introduced to the family on during Christmas and then follow them through out the year with big jumps between months/seasons leaving lots of gaps in the story. I found this a little difficult to follow piled on with the large group of family members, siblings, cousins, aunts, mothers, ex’s, lots of interlacing in stories and it gets a bit confusing and some of the characters are lost and feel superficial.
I will note that I listened to the audiobook and the narration was wonderful and I did enjoy listening. I have a hard time giving this one a rating, the characters I saw more of were great and I loved the narration. Overall it was an interesting book and I quite liked a lot of story lines but I think the hype had me hoping for a little more. I would read another book by this author hoping for a story that flows a little better.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I liked this a little more than you it seems 🙂