Believe Me
Molly Garcia
266 pages
November 9, 2023
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Daddy knows best.
Dr. Ethan Quinn has to see a special prisoner in a separate wing of the prison that no one wants to visit, because of her pathological lies. In order for him to close this case of who killed the 3 kids in the woods he has to meet with Carrie, a female prisoner and get her side of the story. The dilemma is: does he believe her or is it all lies? This was a superb read. I felt like I was a part of a British crime drama. The author definitely knows her knowledge from her previous careers in mental health. The MMC was diligent and wanted to give justice for the characters who deserved it, going beyond his description of work to find the missing pieces of the puzzle. Who killed the kids? Does Carrie have multiple personalities? Or a really good liar? You really have to read the book to digest and find out who killed those kids. It was fast paced and had so many different turns in it that it kept you reading. The lingo wasn’t too bad, the author kept British phrases people outside of the UK would not understand to a minimum. The FMC was full of different manipulations that she tried to feed the MMC about.
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