Matt Cain
Expected Publication January 19th, 2023
464 pages
Goodreads | Amazon
Last spring I read and adored The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain and was super excited to get this from NetGalley. I am so pleased to report that Matt Cain has done it yet again with his newest book. I honestly don’t know where to start with this book as I just loved it so much.
Ted and his husband Giles separate and it starts a shift in Ted, he realizes he has to find out who he REALLY is, without a husband. In my opinion, Giles was abusive, a bit self-possessed, and a lot narcissistic. I think his leaving Ted actually empowered Ted to be true to himself. With the exception of Giles, I loved all the characters in this one. We have three points of view, the story is mainly told from Ted’s POV but we also get some from his best friend, Denise, who is going through her own issues. The other point of view is from Oskar, someone Ted meets at the family ice cream shop, which he doesn’t want to be part of any longer. (P.S. He hates ice cream! 😲). There is plenty of internal dialogue and angst between the pages and it helps us get into the mind of each character.
The storyline is addictive and captivating. I just wanted to keep reading to see how Ted would fare in his new role and his new life. It was such a joy being on Ted’s journey to find his true self and to read about all the amazing people he met along the way. This book is also very funny…I was killing myself laughing at WITH Gail. It is also very joyful and romantic. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the acknowledgments, they are very sweet and gave me goosebumps so please do take the time to read them. This book was a pure pleasure to read. All. The. Stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.
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