Bad Luck Bridesmaid by Alison Rose Greenberg

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Zoey Marks has officially been branded as the bad luck bridesmaid. In the last 10 years she has been a bridesmaid in THREE of her friends’ weddings and not a single one made it down the aisle.  

After the last failed wedding attempt Zoey is left contemplating life and her own thoughts towards marriage when she returns home to her PERFECT boyfriend and is PERFECT proposal. She and Rylan (boyfriend) are now left heartbroken and Zoey is left trying to figure out why she is so scared of marriage?  

Cue Hannah, Zoey’s childhood best friend. She’s announced she’s getting married in IRELAND and want’s Zoey as her Maid of Honor. Zoey is bound and determined to get Hannah down the aisle and get Rylan back in the process.  


Overall, I thought this book was pretty good. I loved Zoey’s development. I feel like we can all relate to situations where it just seems like things are constantly going wrong and it makes you question your entire existence. This is exactly what Zoey is going through.  

Once we get Ireland, the fun really begins. Zoey begins operation get Rylan back and get Hannah married. We see Zoey face some of her biggest fears, find her truest self and be the best friend she can be to Hannah.  

This story made me laugh, was steamy in parts and overall was a quick/enjoyable read. I would say this book is more on the self-discovery, chic-lit then it is romance.  

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