Author Spotlight: Colleen Hoover

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Every few posts the Book Review Crew takes a posts or two to recognize an author with an author spotlight. This can be an indie author, a favorite author or an author we’re just currently vibing with. This month I chose to do an author spotlight on Colleen Hoover.

The picture I chose to use as my main picture of the post is my personal collection post aside from Too Late, Verity, Heart Bones and Layla which I own on my kindle. Also not picture are my copies of Maybe Someday and November 9. Both of those books were loaned out and not returned… RIP to my full collection. Anyway, if it’s not clear by this post and a few of my other reviews by now, I’m definitely a fan. I intentionally leave some of her books unread that way when I hit a book slump I have something to fall back to and I know will pull me out of it but I’m slowly running out of content. I only have Verity, Regretting You and Heart Bones left. She is hands down one of my favorite authors and I will buy anything she writes without a second guess.

*Full disclosure I think I rate everything a 5 star because she’s my favorite so do with that information what you will*


Slammed/Point of Retreat/This Girl: This is Colleen’s earlier stuff and her writing style has definitely changed since these came out. These are YA/High school romance stories. After the death of her father Layken moves from Texas to Michigan. She’s forced to be the rock that holds the family together for her little brother’s sake. She soon meets 21 year old next door neighbor Will and their bond becomes inseparable. Will also happens to be into slam poetry… After an incredibly tragic series of events Will and Layken must lean on each other like never before. I rated these a 5/5 at the time but definitely wouldn’t have been something I would go back and reread (I’m not really a rereader though either) I think now days I would’ve rated this a solid 3.75/5. I still love the story but it’s not one of my favorites.

(I did not read This Girl because I believe it’s from Will’s point of view from one of the other books and I was satisfied with the way the story was wrapped up in Point of Retreat and didn’t want it to be ruined…)

Hopeless/Losing Hope: Growing up Sky’s mom has always been super weird about technology but she’s never really thought much about it. That is until she meets Dean Holder. Dean starts bringing up things from Sky’s past that don’t quite make sense to her and nothing is as it seems anymore. No one is as they seem anymore. This story starts as a cute little love story but is so much more than that. Overall I rated this as a 5/5 stars at the time and I still stand behind that.


Maybe Someday/Maybe Not/Maybe Now: ALL THE STARS. Seriously. This was my first Colleen Hoover book SO MAYBEEEEE I’m a bit biased but I LOVED IT. IT’s one book I will never have to look up to remember anything about because Syd and Ridge remain in my head rent free forever. Sydney is living the dream. She’s a college student, living with her best friend, music coming from the balcony across from theirs and dating her perfect boyfriend… until she finds out her boyfriend is actually cheating on her… with her roommate. Her best friend… Her perfect world comes crashing down. Betrayed by the two people who matter most. Anywho, she moves in with the music boy from across the court yard and they start writing music. Sydney begins to believe that Maybe Someday she can move on and things can be perfect again but this time better… PERFECT AND CUTE 10/10. WOULD RECOMMEND. But seriously, go read it if you like cheesy and adorable. I love them.


I’m not going to go through all the stand alone but I will go through my favorites. I also reviewed Layla already in my “books to buy based on the first sentence” post so go check that out because Layla is a FOR SURE FAVORITE!

Ugly Love: I apparently only gave this a 4/5 stars so I guess this is when I started actually taking Goodreads slightly serious. When Tate meets airline pilot Miles she knows it isn’t love at first sight. Hello, we love a realistic book for once. However, they decide they both have a mutual attraction to each other. He doesn’t want love right now and she doesn’t have time for love with her busy schedule. So what could possibly go wrong? Right?! RIGHT? Anywho, of course this doesn’t work out for long. 5/5. We love it. It’s great.

Without Merit: This is when we start to see a shift in Colleen’s writing. She’s still writing love stories and romance but she’s taking on more serious topics and WE LOVE IT. At least I do, Merit’s family is anything but perfect. Her mother is sick with cancer. Her father married his former nurse and Merit… is just trying to survive. Merit begins to retreat deeper into herself after she meets a boy and learns a family secret that nothing in the world can fix. Fed up with all the lies and the secrecy she decides to leave it all behind one last time and show them what it would be like without Merit. This book is so sad but it’s so good and so real. (I mean some parts are out there but overall). I still rate this a ALL THE STARS 5/5.

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  1. Tanya

    Can you believe I still haven’t read a Colleen Hoover book? And there are so many to choose from!

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