Antipodes, a review by Tanya

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TS Simons

400 pages
Published Dec 2020

Amazon | Goodreads

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About the Book:

Antipodes is a unique work of fiction, set in present-day post-apocalyptic Australia. Aimed at young adults who are disillusioned with our world, and concerned for the ecological future of our planet, Antipodes focuses on the values our society lacks-sustainability, inclusion, community and friendship.

Cam Mackintosh is in his last year of a science degree at Melbourne University when he is offered the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to help establish an entirely sustainable community on an island off the coast of Australia following a deadly outbreak. The community is presented with a clean slate; a completely new eco-village, protected from the outside world, but with much of the knowledge and technology of today. The community on August Island thrives and is established on modern values of gender equality and cultural inclusion.

In their second year, Cam overcomes his personal challenges and finds love with Freyja. Life is idyllic until Freyja goes missing. Cam follows her to Scotland using Antipodes, an ancient secret, referenced by many cultures throughout history. There he connects with sustainable community on the island of Lewis, much like his own. Strangers become friends, and he realises he has found his forever home, the place where he is genuinely “of the land”. His new friends include Fraser, who shares his passion for sustainable agriculture and Laetitia, a psychologist turned teacher with a challenging past. Despite his contentment, his loyalty and commitment to Freyja continue to haunt him, and Cam travels outside the protection of the communities in search of Freyja and other communities like theirs.

This book will appeal to readers who enjoy the environment-centred work of Margaret Atwood such as Oryx and Crake, or work by Piers Torday, Frank Cottrell Boyce and Sarah Crossan’s Breathe.


My Review:

I really love post-apocalyptic books!  I love reading about the characters trying to create a new world, seeing what kinds of issues arise and how they solve for them.

When I saw Antipodes, I was immediately attracted to the story line as well as the cover. (Isn’t that cover interesting?)  Probably the first 20% of the book I was completely zoned in. I didn’t want to do anything else but read. It was so good!

The middle of the book spends time on character development and focuses on relationships.  This was a bit of a slow spot for me.  I had hoped there would be more time spent on filling in some of the gaps from the earlier part of the story or answering some of the questions that the first part raised.

Instead, a big event happened in the community that seemed like a focal point of the story but when this event was not circled back around to and I was left a little confused.  I thought the book was going one way but then it went a completely different direction.  An interesting one, but just different than where I thought it would go.

The last part of the book was where the science fiction genre really kicked in to high gear.  Parts of this section were really cool and other parts were a bit mind-bending confusing for me.  The additional character/relationship themes toward the end left me a little disappointed. I didn’t understand some of the actions by certain characters and I think that can be difficult for me to find closure with at times.

Overall, I felt this was a unique read and I enjoyed the concept.  I could easily see this becoming a series on the Sci-Fi channel and I would definitely watch it!


Thank you to #TSSimons for this #gifted copy.  It was a pleasure to read your work!


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