All The Murmuring Bones, a review by Tanya

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All the Murmuring Bones
A.G. Slater
Narrator Aoife McMahon

Approx 11 hours
Published Apr 8, 2021 by W.F. Howes Ltd

Amazon | Goodreads

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This is such a great cover! I love that it is so simple yet it completely drew me in and made me want to read this book.

Thanks to NetGalley and W.F. Howes for making this audiobook available. The narrator, Aoife McMahon, was spectacular! Her heavy accent (Scottish or Irish? I’m not really good at deciphering) was a pleasure to listen to. I usually listen to audiobooks at 1.75 or even 2.0 speeds, but due to the narrator’s accent, I had to keep this at 1.5 and really pay attention. In this case, it brought me into the story and I enjoyed it so much more because of it.

A family bargain with a Sea Witch to ensure abundant riches in exchange for a child from each generation is the preface of this dark fairy tale. A break in the tradition leaves Miran having to marry her cousin to ensure a pure bloodline with plans to provide an offspring to the Sea in order to gain back their wealth. Only Miran has other ideas and instead, is determined to locate her long-lost mother. A journey is set before her, and it will not be an easy on.

There are so many adventurous challenges that take place in the story that there was never a dull moment. I was often so interested in an event that I was sure the story would branch off in that direction. Several great twists and interesting happenings will keep you guessing at the stories ending.

The dark nature of both Sea Creatures and Humans alike make this world exciting and treacherous. The weaving of this fairytale world is both beautiful and plausible, making me feel like I could travel to this destination.

I highly recommend for those readers who love dark fairy tales.

Thank you to #WFHowesLtd and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.






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