After Annie, a review by Shelley

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Anna Quindlen

Random House Publishing Group
Publication Date: March 12th, 2024
304 Pages
Goodreads | Amazon

I have read and loved every book by Anna Quindlen. She manages to capture the human condition so perfectly and she always makes the ordinary feel extraordinary. This one is about a year in the life of the husband, best friend and four children of a woman who dies suddenly before she even turns forty. It is told from three points of view, the oldest daughter Ali (13), the husband Bill and the best friend AnneMarie. Ali is forced to grow up fast when her mother passes and so does Bill it seems.

This story was so beautiful in its simplicity. It’s really about what happens when the family (some blood, some not) loses the one that was holding them together. It’s about losing someone you love and trying to heal from that, it’s about the circle of life and the messy things that happen in between. There are some very heavy topics in this one, sexual abuse, addiction and of course death.

Nothing really exciting happens but I honestly couldn’t put the book down and read it in a couple of sittings. It was so poignant, heartfelt and emotional so have some tissues ready. The characters are so real and raw, I really cared what happened to them and was cheering them on. I really felt like I got to know Annie through her loved ones and their stories. This book made me feel so blessed and made me want to reach out to my loved ones. It’s amazing how fast your circumstances can change, in this family it happened in an instant.

What I took away from this one was that it just goes to show that the people we care about and who love us back don’t need big dramatic declarations, we all just need to be there and show up when it matters to make a difference in each other lives. All. The. Stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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