Adventure by Chicken Bus, a review from Di

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Adventure by Chicken Bus
Janet LoSole

226 pages
Published December 11, 2019 by Resource Publications (CA)
Goodreads | Amazon | Author Website

This is a very interesting story about a Canadian family who gave up their “normal” life to spend 19 months traveling and learning in Central America. It is a mother, father and 2 young girls. The girls were already being home schooled in Canada, now they would be home schooled by life experiences during their travels. The family did not travel as regular tourists. They traveled with the purpose of staying in hostels or other inexpensive accommodations and integrating themselves into the culture of wherever they stayed.

This book was an education for me too. Starting out with the need to have a definite plan (financially and logistically), learning about the dedicated turtle conservation program, the tropical (very hot!) climate of Costa Rica (and the other countries) and much, much more.

Chicken buses are very popular in Central America. They are repurposed school buses usually from the US and decorated with bold, bright colours and intentional graffiti. I would assume the are similar to the vans that hippies of the 1960s acquired.

The descriptions of the towns, the beaches, the hostels, the jungles were perfectly worded. Just like a painting, I could view them in my mind. The beautiful and the not so beautiful.

The adventures are never ending. I enjoyed the trip vicariously through the eyes of our host family. I enjoyed meeting the people that they met. But there were downsides too… unbearable heat and humidity, illness, safety issues.

A book like this is hard to review. It’s easier to talk about the adventure that the book itself. The plot cannot be criticized….it is a recounting of their adventure. If there is anything negative about the book it would be the fact that there were many, many descriptions of transportation issues in old, uncomfortable and undoubtedly unsafe vehicles where the heat was unbearable and comfort nonexistent. I felt like I experienced a few too many uncomfortable rides.

In conclusion, I rate the adventure five stars but because this is a book review I give 4 stars. It is an entertaining and informative read.






Check back next week to see our Interview with an Author, where Melanie will chat will Janey LoSole about the Adventure by Chicken Bus.

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