About Us, a review by Di

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Sinead Moriarty

Penguin/Random House
August 31, 2021
384 pages

Goodreads | Amazon

On the surface About Us seems like it might be a light and fluffy book to read. But, it actually becomes much more than that.

This book revolves around two couples and one single woman, all of whom are having problems with their relationships. They all seek out the help of a councilor. Throughout the book, we witness their interactions with each other and their journey through counselling. This is not one of the books where all the characters lives eventually intersect with the others. There are 3 distinct stories, the commonality is their councilor, Maggie.

The problems are realistic…..I think many readers will be able to identify with the problems. The age of the characters ranges from young to middle age to ready for retirement. Some of the story is told with humour. I really liked that aspect as it lightens some of the more serious moments.

This was a fast read, an easy read. I found myself invested in each of the relationships. I was cheering for the outcome that each of the characters was hoping for. The ending was satisfying for me.

This is my second book by Sinead Moriarty. Again, this book may look like chick lit fluff, beach read. While I did read this one sitting by the ocean, both books had much more substance and depth than I expected. A pleasant surprise. I need to check out some of her other books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an Advance Readers Copy.

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