A Solitide of Wolverines, a review by Sherry

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A Solitude of Wolverines
Alice Henderson

320 pages
Published October 27, 2020 by William Morris

Thrillers are my absolute favorite book genre, but I’ve read so many lately that they all seem similar. This book broke my streak. In addition to lots of thrills, there is discussion on the environment, conservation and the great outdoors. I’m a city girl at heart that just never gets outside enough.

Alex Carter is feeling a little restless in Boston, so when an opportunity to study wolverine life on a land trust in Montana arises, she takes it. Once she’s there, she’s in her element, but the residents of the closest town are cold towards her. She’s not sure if it is personal, contempt for the land trust, or something else. Then strange things start happening.

The second half of this book is pure thriller. It had my heart going and guessing what was going on. I felt like I was right there in Montana and in fear of my life. At times the thrills seemed a little impossible, but it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the book. It also gave me a chance to reflect on my actions and carbon footprint as it relates to the environment. I even learned that there are wolverines that don’t involve Hugh Jackman. This is a great start to a new series.


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