A Letter from Nana Rose
By Kristin Harper
October 25th, 2021
263 pages
This was a fantastic read. A really great story about family and the decisions we make in life. About how we can touch people long after we are gone.
A grandmother with a secret.
Three sisters, reunited at her beach house for one last vacation.
Brooke and Rachel want to sell, while Jill wants to keep the house. All three sisters are in different places in their lives; married with children, divorced, thirty-nine and single. Jill, the one most tied to family traditions, does not want to let the house go. How can she convince her sisters to keep the house? Could Nana Rose see that the girls needed to come to the island? What is her secret, deep within the pages of her letters?
So, So good.
(And Nana isn’t the only one with secrets).
It is truly a “story within a story”. Nana Rose’s life is told in a series of letters that she has delivered to the girls each day they are there. The reader gets pieces of her story until BAM! it all comes together. While at the same time, we see the relationship with the sisters develop as well.
I resonated so much with this book because of the tumultuous relationship I have with my own sister. No doubt one of us would want to keep Nana’s house and one of us would want to sell, if for nothing more than to disagree. The relationships between the three sisters seemed so real. I can’t even imagine having multiple sisters; I’m exhausted with just the one!
The description of the island found me wishing my recently deceased grandmother left me a house. (I did get her poker chips and some embroidered pillowcases, so there’s that). And the addition of a hunky tree surgeon always makes for fun reading.
Overall, a really good story of family and unconditional love.
An easy, sweet 5 star read.

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